Saturday, March 13, 2010

Trisha & Kevin's Wedding Part II!

:) I tell you I am terrible at updating this photography blog of mine. As promised though I wanted to get on here and update you all on more sneak peeks of Trisha and Kevin's wedding! :) So here they are! Did I mention how much I enjoyed getting to know Trisha and Kevin through this process and how thankful I am that God put them in my path?! :)

PART II: I met the girls at the salon around 1pm and headed on over to the ERIE TRACKSIDE where the reception was going to take place a couple hours later. :) Kevin's sister made the wedding cake and I HAD to get a sneak peek ;)
Somewhere between the quick run in to the Erie and mad dash to Wendys to grab a quick bite, I realized that I FORGOT DRESS SHOES!!! Pink and white Nikes do NOT go with black dress pants... Oh man was I a bundle of nerves! I ran in to Payless which was real close to the hotel that I was meeting the beautiful Bride and Bridesmaids to take some pre-wedding pictures. I literally ran in and out and got some cute, flat, painfully uncomfortable dress shoes and ran over to the hotel. ;) For the next hour or so I photographed Trisha, her bridesmaids and family:
My 1st Bride :)Brides lovely shoes and purse :)

"The Bride"
"The Bride"
Bride's Family
Bride's Sisters
aCrbw IMG_6223Bride + Niece

I loved this Bride!!!
So many bridesmaids and 1 pretty flower girl
ABP4 (2)

So basically, I could go on and ON with pictures but, what fun would the actual reveal be if I showed you EVERYTHING?! ;) Stay tuned I'll post some ceremony/reception pictures soon! Have a wonderful weekend!

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