Monday, August 16, 2010

Meet the Whitehead Family! {Littlest Heroes Project}


A couple weeks back I was contacted by the Littlest Heroes Project to photograph JEREMY; a sweet, active 2 year old that loves ducks and anything with tires. You wouldn’t know by looking at him but just after Jeremy was born a heart murmur was detected. Upon closer examination a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) was diagnosed as well as a stenosis (narrowing) of the pulmonary valve. In 2009 little Jeremy underwent open heart surgery to repair the hole and the stenosis. Today Jeremy is a healthy, happy little boy that is expecting a little sister next month!




This past Saturday I met the Whitehead family at Bladensburgs Waterfront Park for Jeremy's Littlest Heroes session. Jeremy is my 3rd Littlest Hero to date! I have another little angel scheduled for the fall! :) Whitehead family enjoy your sneak peek! There's more photos to come. If you are interested you can also visit my facebook 'fan page' I posted some on there!

I talk about the Littlest Heroes Project every chance that I get- if you don't know what the Littlest Heroes Project is, or if you would like to find out more information about this great program visit their website today!


  1. Love it, Amanda! It is so great you are doing this and we cannot wait to meet you this fall.
    If you wanted to see a little about Madeline our blog site is:

  2. Hi Sandy and Julia! I didn't realize that I had comments!!! Thanks so much for the comments! The little guy was so much fun- really active and all boy! He ran and ran and ran!!! And Sandy! Thanks so much I cant wait to meet you guys and YOUR littlest hero! I just was at your blog! What a beautiful little angel!!! We will have a lot of fun! You are blessed- as am I to get the chance to meet you guys!!!
