Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Exciting NEWS: Amanda Berke Photography {Waldorf, MD}

I didn't realize until now that I haven't shared my GOOD NEWS with everyone on here!!! Brian, the kids and I are excited to announce that baby Berke #3 will make their debute in late January!!! :) We are halfway to meeting our newest little blessing!
20 weeks pregnant!

20 weeks pregnant!

Hehe no in case you were wondering I have not been craving OREOS... One night I was sitting at the kitchen table with my sister in law when we decided we wanted to know how much the baby weighed... Soo I looked around my kitchen and found OREOS and decided that they were PERFECT! We've been watching baby OREO ;) grow by every couple of weeks noting how many OREOS he/she weighs ;) It's been fun!
20 weeks pregnant!

Baby OREO ;) We love you and really cannot wait to meet you! <3 <3

Hope you all had a fun/safe Labor Day weekend! We did... haha a whole lot of nothing here. My sister and cousin were in town so we had a crab/shrimp feast :) That's about it!

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