Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Me trying to blog more... :)

I've been doing a lot of thinking... I spend a lot of time looking at everyone elses work (I call it "getting inspired"... lol) but found myself trying to find what makes my photography special and what makes me stand out from other photographers... have you ever thought about that? It's been a challenge to look at my work as good when there's so many great photographers out there... I found this quote on Jasmine Stars blog the other day and really like it-

"We all have our own unique abilities. Don't focus on what others can do, but, rather, what you can do to make yourself better. You taught yourself photography, and you're getting better each day...don't envy his work. Appreciate his work. And appreciate yours."

.. apparently even the big time photography 'stars' doubt themselves. I've been challenging myself to read less and get out more. Watch out NY, MD, DC and VA I've been inspired! ...inspired to be ME! :)
My babies...

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